Art x Power Series
From the first to November 22, 2024.
The concept pursues the question of whether it will be possible to sell one work of art every day up to and including the 22nd day in order to have sold all 22 works on the 22nd day. November 22nd is my birthday. My name is Raphael Dudler and I am an artist. The portfolio of artworks consists of my work from the last 22 years. Obviously the number 22 plays the main role, which is absolutely unconscious.
ArtPotency is the name of the concept that focuses on price of the artwork and is based on powers of two 2n.
This means that the nth number in the sequence is 2n-1. The sum of the power series from the first to the 22nd digit is 4,194,303, which corresponds to the total proceeds in USD of all works of art.
Would you like to be part of the concept and own at least one of the works?
November 1
$ 1.00 -
November 2
$ 2.00 -
November 3
$ 4.00 -
November 4
$ 8.00 -
November 5
$ 16.00 -
November 6
$ 32.00 -
November 7
$ 64.00 -
November 8
$ 128.00 -
November 9
$ 256.00 -
November 10
$ 512.00 -
November 11
$ 1'024.00 -
November 12
$ 2'048.00 -
November 13
$ 4'096.00 -
November 14
$ 8'192.00 -
November 15
$ 16'384.00 -
November 16
$ 32'768.00 -
November 17
$ 65'536.00 -
November 18
$ 131'072.00 -
November 19
$ 262'144.00 -
November 20
$ 524'288.00 -
November 21
$ 1'048'576.00 -
November 22
$ 2'097'152.00